Cosmetic Tattoo Removal

Cosmetic Tattoo Removal

Saline Non-Laser Tattoo Removal

(per session)

Thin Eyeliner

(per session)


*I do remove only cosmetic tattoos or small tattoos

Before booking a consultation or appointment, please provide the following:

  1. A good quality close picture of the tattoo taken in daylight. This way I can assess if tattoo removal will be possible (please use no makeup, filters, or Photoshop).
  2. Let me know how old is your tattoo and how many sessions was done and when; location; scarring and tissue changes
  3. Your age, skin type (Fitzpatrick scale)
  4. Your expectation (partial or full removal)
  5. Send it to

Frequently Asked Qustions

Is laser tattoo removal painful?
While laser tattoo removal isn't exactly pleasant, the discomfort level varies greatly depending on individual pain tolerance. For some, it feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin, while others may experience more intense stinging or burning sensations. If you have sensitive skin, consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever 30 minutes before your appointment. Additionally, a numbing cream can be applied to the area to further reduce discomfort during the treatment.
How to prepare for laser brow treatment?
1-5 days before: Consider tinting your brows! This can help protect your brow hair color from discoloration during the treatment. However, if you haven't tinted them before the procedure, you can do so the day after laser treatment instead. Remember, the laser specifically targets pigment, not hair follicles, so while it may lighten brow hair, it won't affect its growth.
What happens to the brows after laser treatment?
Following the 4-5 -minute laser treatment, your brows should appear normal. You won't see any blood or plasma, although the treated area may be slightly swollen and pink. The pigment color may immediately invert to the opposite shade (for example, blue may turn warm brown, and red may turn light grey). This "frost" that appears immediately after treatment usually disappears within 4-5 minutes. While you won't experience pain or discomfort, the skin may feel warm. For the next two days, it's important to cool it down with a cold compress at a temperature between 5 and 20 degrees Celsius. While applying makeup immediately after treatment is technically possible, waiting until the next day is generally recommended for optimal results and comfort.
Can I remove my lip tattoo using a laser?
While laser tattoo removal is possible for lips, it's important to be aware of its limitations due to the unique chemical composition of lip pigments. Often, laser removal can cause the pigment to invert to grey or black, and it can take 1-2 years for this pigmentation to disappear completely. This process can be uncomfortable and require multiple sessions. Therefore, Dasha offers a non-laser saline tattoo removal method as an alternative. This method can lighten or remove unwanted lip color more gently and effectively than laser removal.
Can I remove my eyeliner tattoo using laser treatment?
Unfortunately, we don't offer laser removal for eyeliner tattoos due to the potential risks involved. However, Dasha can help lighten or remove your eyeliner tattoo using a non-laser saline removal technique.
How many tattoo removal treatments are needed to remove my eyebrow cosmetic tattoo?
The number of treatments needed depends on several factors: Number of past cosmetic tattoo treatments: Each previous session adds layers of pigment, requiring more removal sessions. Your skin type: Lighter skin tones respond better to laser removal than darker ones. Type of pigment used: Different pigments respond differently to removal techniques. For more information about eyebrow tattoo removal, please check out our blog.
Can I remove my existing brows and get a new set at the same time?
Unfortunately, removing your existing brows and receiving a new set simultaneously is not possible. After the tattoo removal session, your skin requires sufficient healing time. If the first removal treatment successfully removes unwanted colour or shape, a minimum waiting period of two months is necessary before receiving a new cosmetic eyebrow tattoo.
Do you remove small tattoos?
Yes, we do remove small tattoos! However, the removal method depends on the colors involved. For white, green, and yellow shades, the Saline removal method is typically more effective, as the Nd:Yag laser cannot target these specific colors.
Aftercare for Eyebrow Laser Removal
The first 48 hours are crucial for cooling down the treated brow area. You can use: A cold compress with a temperature between 5 and 20 degrees Celsius. Options include vegetables from the fridge, a washcloth dipped in cold water, or gel packs. Avoid ice directly on the skin, as it can be too cold and damage the skin. Apply the compress frequently, especially when the skin feels warm. Sun protection is essential throughout the first month after the session to prevent pigmentation. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply frequently, especially when outdoors.